We are pleased to see the number of dioceses and houses of formation represented amongst your applicants. The Dicastery values the work of the Seminary Formation Council in providing opportunities for current and future seminary formators themselves to be formed and renewed. This is a crucial work to ensure the quality of formation and education being offered to seminarians in their journey to become the future generation of Priests of Jesus Christ. We assure you of our prayers for the success of this program, asking God to give you every good.
- Cardinal Beniamino Stella, Former Prefect,
Dicastery for the Clergy, Vatican City, Rome
I am glad to encourage the important work of the Seminary Formation Council to help strengthen seminary formators through their formation program.”
- Archbishop Jorge Patrón Wong, Former Secretary for Seminaries, Congregation for the Clergy, Rome
“I have witnessed first hand the importance of the role of seminary formators in the raising of new priests for our Church. The Seminary Formation Council will not only provide resources for the education and spiritual support of seminary formators, but it is sure to have a positive impact on the formator participants and the whole seminary community. This new initiative will bring something valuable to the entire Church.”
Mrs. Rosemary Sullivan, Executive Director of the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors
“I am encouraged greatly by the collaborative process of consultation that the Seminary Formation Council employed in designing this new program for continuing formation for seminary personnel.”
Bishop Michael Burbidge, Diocese of Arlington;
Former Chair of the Committee for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations (CCLV) at the USCCB
“This new initiative to assist in the formation of seminary personnel is most welcome. I am excited about giving the formators in our seminaries the tools that are needed to excel in a ministry that is of such importance for the life and future of our Church.”
Archbishop Bernard Hebda,
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
“This project promises to serve as leaven in the Church’s vital mission of diocesan priestly formation. Indeed, I envision a multiplier effect transpiring that will positively impact and strengthen diocesan seminary formation. Participants will receive a high quality of on-going formation particular to the needs that seminary formators face in their apostolic labors.”
Cardinal Edwin O’Brien
“It is a particular joy for me to have St. Vincent de Paul Seminary in my Diocese of Palm Beach to be hosting the new S.F.C. Certificate program for diocesan seminary formators. It is my heartfelt prayer that all of the participants will benefit greatly from this valuable contribution in continuing formation.”
- Bishop Gerald Barbarito, Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida
“Assisting seminary personnel to be strengthened in teaching the art of accompaniment will be a great service that the S.F.C. provides in this certificate program. Developing skills in the art of accompaniment supports the special need for future pastors to engage in harmonious and fruitful collaboration with lay leaders in the parish.”
- Archbishop George Lucas, Archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska
"The Seminary Formation Council has developed a unique program to form formators of future priests. The SFC’s recognition of the role of the psychological sciences in seminary formation emphasizes the importance of assessing a man’s affective maturity so that his priesthood may be marked by a true spiritual fatherhood.”
- Dr. Suzanne Baars, Director of “In His Image Counseling Services”, Irving, Texas, Former President, Catholic Psychological Association
"I am delighted to endorse the Seminary Formation Council. It offers holistic formation through practical tools, education, and fraternal support to seminary faculty nationwide. A pivotal role is played by the S.F.C in assuring the quality of future church leadership.”
- Bishop Joy Alappatt, St. Thomas Syro Malabar Eparchy, Chicago
“It’s an invaluable investment for any seminary to help people sharpen their skills and grow in their own formational abilities…to help seminarians become as integrated as possible, so they can really take on the person of Jesus Christ and be able to present the Gospel to today’s world.”
- Bishop David Toups, Diocese of Beaumont, Texas
“I literally cannot imagine my priesthood being even remotely the same were it not for the Seminary Formation Council. I also see a huge transformative effect in [my faculty]. Just like the fruits of my own life and ministry being involved with the council, I see that with our formation faculty as well."
-Fr. John Kartje, Rector- President, USML/ Mundelein Seminary, IL
“The impact of the Seminary Formation Council is so far reaching that it is beyond what anyone could ever imagine. I have personally heard from rectors and seen how it has really changed seminaries across the world.”
- Mrs. Jane Guenther, Director of the Catholic Renewal Center, Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO
“SFC has been an enormous blessing to me in my first years as a seminary formator. The ministry of priestly formation is so important to the future of the Church (and therefore of the salvation of all humanity) that it can be easy to become overwhelmed with the gravity of the task...I would consider it essential ongoing training for anyone engaged in the work of priestly formation.”
- Fr. Evan Koop, Formator and Professor, The Saint Paul Seminary, MN
“The Seminary Formation Council is a force multiplier, a military term that indicates that by investing in a small number of people that have influence over a large number of people is a great way to expand resources.”
- Fr. Mark Ivany, Vocations Director, Archdiocese of Washington D.C.
“SFC has opened my eyes to the ways in which I am called to listen and be present to the seminarians even before I “say” anything or “guide” them. It allowed me to understand better the role the Holy Spirit plays as the primary agent of formation and the ways he’s not only using me to form the men for priestly formation, but also forming my own heart.” -Fr. Kurt Perera, Vocations Director, Diocese of Phoenix, AZ
"SFC is an enriching experience where priests sharing the mission of seminary formation are able to be formed and encouraged in the invaluable work. I recommend SFC because of the fraternity, content, and spiritual components. The enriching content shared by very capable individuals who love the Church deeply is profound and timely. Coming together from around the world, participants are also able to share together the joys and struggles of formation in order to become more effective in the multifaceted reality of seminary formation. All this is rooted in a deep spiritual component, where we never forget that the work is of and for the Lord, and that we are personally beloved by the Father. This identity is the starting point and the foundation for all we do."
-Fr. Bryan Garcia, Vice-Rector,
Saint John Vianney Seminary, Miami
The Seminary Formation Council has been a very formative experience for me for these past two years. Seminary formators need formation, too, if we are to understand what contemporary seminarians are facing in this historical era. The conferences deal with the substantive issues that can better equip us to assist our men in their formation as future priests.
- Fr. Gary Thomas, Director of Propaedeutic Stage,
Diocese of San Jose
The Certificate in Seminary Formation for Missionary Discipleship has been a transforming experience in my life as a priest and as a rector of my seminary. It has helped me tremendously to learn new ways in which I can better accompany my seminarians in their discernment process towards the priesthood. personally, it has given me the confidence that I needed to become a better formator."
Fr. Jorge A, Garcia, Rector, St. Junipero Serra House of Formation, San Bernadino, CA
“What I have experienced over the past nine months has been an answer to my prayers — and has enriched my relationship with my work, with the seminarians I accompany, and, most importantly, with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Here, a community of presenters, support staff, mentors, and participants has been formed at the Certificate Program for Seminary Formation with the shared goal of letting the Holy Spirit transform our lives and our seminaries. The practicalities of seminary work that I have learned and the sharing of best practices by formators has been enough to make this program more than worthwhile.”
Fr. George Sears, Rector, Cathedral Seminary House of Formation, New York.
“The Seminary Formation Council changed my life and has had a tremendous impact on me and my work as a formator. In the sessions I not only participated in top notch presentations on the what and how of working in formation, but I was also mentored to greater interior growth in my own ongoing formation. After the first year of modules I feel better equipped as a formator and I have deepened my spiritual and priestly life. The seminarians have noticed my growth, and are responding by bringing themselves to formation with greater filial confidence.”
Fr. John P. Floeder, Director of Propaeduetic Stage, St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, St. Paul, Minnesota.
“These weeks have quickly exposed me to the most relevant and timely issues of formation based on the newest Ratio Fundamentalis and the culture in which our seminarians come from today. I have come to know a great group of men and women from seminaries across the country who are both incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about their ministry in seminary formation. It is well worth the investment!”
Rev. Edward M. Riley, Dean of Men, Director of Pastoral Formation, Formator, Saint John’s Seminary, Brighton, MA.
“Making the transition from parish ministry to full-time formation work at a seminary is no easy task. I’m grateful for the accompaniment that the Seminary Formation Council has provided me in my own ministry, as I seek to understand my own vocation as a formator. The presentations have been educational, and the fellow participants have been encouraging. I would recommend these modules to any new or experienced seminary formator.”
Fr. Thomas Byrne, Associate Dean of Formation, Director of Chicago Seminarians, Director of Teaching Parish Program, Mundelein Seminary, Chicago.
Being a part of SFC has shown me behind the curtain - everything that goes into forming men into priests of Jesus Christ. I am a better priest for having experienced this program. Thank you so much!
- Fr. Anthony Frederico, Vocation Director, Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut
SFC has been very helpful, not only in my work with the seminarians, but in my personal growth as well. The retreats were particularly helpful. I very much recommend SFC.
- Msgr. Gerard Mesure, Director, Pastoral and Apostolic Formation and Dean of Men, Pre-Theology
I don't this that I would have the confidence, insight and understanding of formation without having experienced the SFC. One very important element for me has been the fraternity with others in formation to not only support each other but also to share our common experiences.
- Fr. Joseph Holcomb
I have greatly appreciated the “networking” with other seminary formators around the country and around the world. At each module, I have valued conversing with those from other seminaries who do similar work as I do. That exchange of ideas, struggles, and hopes has helped me to be a better formator. I have also grown in my appreciation for a directed, silent retreat. Before doing the SFC, my annual retreats were preached or done even without a director. The two retreats made me re-commit to doing an annual, silent, directed retreat. My ministry has been impacted in the seminary as well as in the parish. I am more committed to accompanying my seminarians in their walk with the Lord; I appreciate its value more and understand how to do it better. In the parish, my preaching has changed to be more aware of our call to form missionary disciples among the People of God.
- Fr. Michael Skluzacek
I found the Seminary Formation Council to be a ready support in educational, professional, and personal development. The quarterly meetings and retreats provided many opportunities for encountering other seminary faculty formators. I am pleased with the overall experience and would recommend it to anyone who is involved in seminary formation. Thank you.
- Fr. Nicholas Azar
An extremely well thought out and effective program. Solid theological input, formational insights and the opportunity to discuss and process with others from around the country and the world - SFC has been a blessing to be, the seminary in which I serve and to the Church as a whole.
- Fr. John Guthrie
I have benefited much from the program. The retreat modules were excellent, and on the whole the speakers were very knowledgable and engaging. I began the program when I was just beginning to work with seminarians and I credit SFC with imparting to me practically everything I now know about seminary formation. So I have been formed here for ministry to seminarians and I hope to incorporate all I have learned here into the way I deal with them. The practica here pointed out to me some of my shortcomings, through the constructive criticism of the group and I've needed to come out of my comfort zone in order to participate fruitfully. I would recommend SFC to others because of the quality of the teachings and the clear and correct vision of what seminary formation ought to be, and the spirit of friendship and joy in which it is all carried out. The emphasis on spirituality and personal and communal prayer is also important. As the SFC continues its mission, it will have an ever greater impact on the mission of the Church.
- Fr. Joseph Homick COSJ
SFC its a source of great joy and hope for the present and future of seminary formation
- Fr. Diego Ruiz
For me, the most consistently convincing aspect of SFC was being able to connect with my colleagues from around the world who work in priestly formation. Not only do we share a common work in our respective seminaries, but we also carry many similar challenges, joys, and questions. SFC provided many beautiful opportunities for me to share these aspects of my ministry with my colleagues and vice versa for them to share their experience with me. Every tie I went down for a module, I felt a profound sense of camaraderie in knowing that I was not alone in my own challenges or struggles in working as a formator. This shared solidarity in the vineyard always left me encouraged and enthusiastic about continuing to give myself to this important work.
- Fr. Colin Jones
I just want to express by deepest gratitude to all who of you that minister to us in this program, it's has been a real blessing in my life, I have experience so much inner healing, and put me on a path of conversion. I'm already developing some of the skills and tools that I learned in this program.
- Fr. Jose Gonzalez
“I've grown tremendously in my knowledge of what seminarians go through in the seminary, and in my understanding of how I can contribute to their personal, emotional, and spiritual growth in general but especially towards loving the Lord more deeply and in the areas particularly needed to prepare them as spiritual fathers to His mystical body.”
- Sr. Maria Immaculata Handajani, Formator, Saint Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park, CA